Monday, March 10, 2014

The Question- Quiz

Merrick Adams
The Question- Quiz

An important defense against disease in vertebrate animals is the ability to eliminate, inactivate, or destroy foreign substances and organisms. Explain how the immune system achieves all of the following.

1. Provides an immediate nonspecific immune response
  • Cytokines are released in order to send other and more immune cells to the infected site
  • These cells are used to remove all of the dead or infected cells
  • White blood cells then attack foreign intruders in our body
2. Activates T and B cells in response to an infection
  • B and T cells search the entire body for the foreign invaders that match their specialized receptors
  • T cells kill the bacteria 
  • B cells find their match and wait for T cells to kill the bacteria first
  • B cells then create plasma cells that create antibodies that destroy the virus and it's bacteria
3. Responds to a later exposure to the same infectious agent
  • B and T cells produce memory cells that keep track of how often an invader attacks
  • The more an invader invades the more familiar B and T cells become with it
  • Therefore the more immune you become to that invader
4. Distinguishes self form non-self
  • Every body cell has its own molecules that identify itself in the body
  • When an invader enters the body it gets detected because it does not contain the same molecules that identify itself

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